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The Tools feature allows you to extend the capabilities of your model or agent by integrating specialized functionalities. Here are the available tools that can be connected with your model for enhanced operation:

  • Web Search: Enables the model to perform web searches using Bing's search engine to retrieve and display relevant information.


  • Chunk and Embed: This tool allows long form documents to be chunked and embedded so that the AI model can use them as a form of long-term memory.


  • File: attach the pdf file you wish the model to have access to
  • Name: name the tool (no special characters and under 64 characters) Ex: cali_vehicle_code
  • Description: Briefly describe the pdf so the LLM knows when to use it. Ex: California Vehicle Code - Use when asked about traffic laws in California

Making Tweaks:

Sometimes you may find it helpful to swap out PDF files within the same flow. To do so, simply include the tweaks variable in your request and send the bytes of your new PDF file under the file_bytes key. In the example below, we are replacing the original PDF with a new PDF called State Estimation for Robotics

import base64
import json

import requests

# Loading the file and reading the bytes
with open("/Users/petertran/Desktop/State Estimation For Robotics.pdf", "rb") as file:
    pdf_bytes =

# Making the request
url = "{YOUR FLOW ID}"
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "x-api-key": api_key}

data = {
    "inputs": {"input": "Summarize the pdf I have provided. To find it run get_pdf"},
    "tweaks": {
        "BasicAgent-MYFZq": {},
	# Overriding the file_bytes of the original pdf with our new pdf
        "PDF-n2L3W": {"file_bytes": base64.encodebytes(pdf_bytes).decode("utf-8")},

response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))

Website Integration

Website ToolWebsite Tool

The Website Integration tool is designed to supercharge your agent's capabilities. By granting it access to specific URLs, the agent can pull, analyze, and present accurate information directly from the web. Whether it's data-driven insights or real-time content updates, integrating a website can add a dynamic touch to your application.


  • Website Access: Allow your agent to tap into a wealth of information available on the web, making it adept at fetching the most recent and relevant data.

  • Description Prompt: The description you provide is pivotal. It acts as a guide, helping the agent discern when and how to utilize the web content. A well-articulated description ensures that the agent uses the website optimally and in context.

  • Crawling: When activated, this feature broadens the agent's reach, allowing it to crawl through the website, thereby accessing a more extensive set of data.

  • Blacklist URLs: Safety first! Specify URLs you deem off-limits, ensuring the agent steers clear of sensitive or non-relevant sites.


  • Advanced Interactivity: Beyond mere viewing, the Browsing tool is better for tasks that involve intricate navigation through multiple pages, zooming into specific sections, or any action that requires an enhanced interaction with web content. Available to paid plans only

Browsing Tool (Paid plans only)

Step 2 - Test InterfaceStep 2 - Test Interface

The Browsing tool is like handing over the keys to a Chrome browser to your agent. This capability is perfect for complex tasks that require intricate web navigation, viewing multiple pages, and more in-depth interaction with web elements. It's not just about viewing; it's about deep-diving into the web in real-time.


  • Web Browser Control: Dive deeper into the web. Let your agent control the browser, navigating pages, following links, and accessing the breadth of content that a website offers.

  • Advanced Interactivity: Beyond mere viewing, this tool is perfect for tasks that involve intricate navigation through multiple pages, zooming into specific sections, or any action that requires an enhanced interaction with web content.

SQLDatabase Tool (Paid plans only)

SQLDatabase ToolSQLDatabase Tool

The SQLDatabase Tool is a comprehensive tool that provides your agent with the ability to interact with SQL databases. It encompasses a range of functions that facilitate the retrieval, analysis, and manipulation of data from a SQL database. From listing all databases in a SQL server, checking the syntax of a SQL query, to executing a SQL query and retrieving the results, this tool equips your agent with the necessary capabilities to handle SQL databases effectively.

Examples of connection strings:

  • MySQL: mysql+pymysql://username:password@hostname:port/databasename

    • Port is usually 3306 for MySQL
  • Postgres: postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/databasename

    • Port is usually 5432 for Postgres

How to Use These Tools

  1. Access the Tools Section: Begin by visiting the Tools section on the Lingtual Build Page.

  2. Integration Process: Pick the desired tool and follow the user-friendly on-screen prompts. Ensure all details, especially the description, are provided accurately.

  3. Test Run: After integration, activate and test your tool to ensure seamless functionality.


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How to Use These Tools